Functional description
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Fig. 3.4: With the optionally available software license IEC 61850
the USM can be integrated into IEC 61850 structures
3.7 IT security functionalities (optional)
For companies in the energy business a whitepaper with fundamental security measures for control
and telecommunication systems has been released. Goal of these measures is to provide an
appropriate protection against security threats in daily operation.
The security measures defined in this whitepaper are recommended for all new control or
telecommunication systems.
The strategic goal of the whitepaper is a positive impact on the product development for the
aforementioned systems with regard to IT security and to provide a common understanding for
protection of these systems.
Software options are available for annunciators of the series USM, which ensure that the devices can
be included into critical infrastructures under consideration of the recommendations of the
aforementioned whitepaper.
For detailed information on the IT security functionalities, please refer to the separate documentation
3.8 Labelling
Fig. 3.5: Insertion of labelling strips after removing the front frame
3.9 Monitoring LEDs, buttons and connections
Fig. 3.6: Front- and rear view of the USM08
Alarm LEDs (function depending on reporting sequence)
1 … 4, (
function depending on reporting sequence and parameterisation)
Steady light green
- no error
- no power supply or device defective
Labelling of the annunciators is done by means of
designation strips that can be inserted beneath
the cover foil after removing the front frame.
The designation strips with signal names can be
created and printed directly from the
parameterization interface on the web-server or
generated manually from labelling strips in Word-