EN537 Smart Encoder
Copyright © 2018 EEG Enterprises, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Encoder Setup
Quick Network Setup
To use Lexi or access further features on the encoder’s web interface, you must first select
from the front panel LCD menu and setup the encoder on your network.
Use a Static IP address on your network to assign the Encoder (recommended)
. It doesn’t
have to be, and in most cases should not be, a publically routable IP address.
Program a gateway address
– the gateway address is typically the local network address of
your router. This is necessary if you plan to connect out of your local network to iCap or any
other application from the iCap Encoder.
Program a
Subnet Mask
for your network
Lexi only: Program your network to allow outbound connections to https://eegcloud.tv on
port 443
. Your encoder must also have a valid DNS server configured under the Network tab
on the web portal. See additional Lexi setup instructions on Page 6.
As an alternative to these recommended steps you may also set up the encoder for DHCP – Selecting
DHCP will automatically pull available IP, gateway, and subnet information from your network.
IMPORTANT: With DHCP, your encoder’s assigned IP may change on its own which will affect how you
access the web interface for your encoder.
Video Input/Output
Put SDI video into the encoder. Output captions will appear on the SDI video output.
Reference the
Rear Panel Diagram located in the Hardware Reference for a diagram of the rear-panel connector.