SIGA-REL Technical Reference Manual
276A-REL manual release station, 7
278A-REL manual release station, 7
2-PPS(/220) power supply, 7
2-PPS/6A(-220) power supply, 7
abort circuit, 35, 36
Accept Actual command, 36, 37
adding a SIGA-REL, 35
configuration settings for SIGA-REL, 36
Drill switch, 38
programming, 35
rules, 38
Signature data, 36, 37
3-BPS/M(-230) power supply, 7
3-PPS/M(-230) power supply, 7
abort circuit, 39, 40
adding a SIGA-REL, 39
configuration settings for SIGA-REL, 40
Drill switch, 43
programming, 39
rules, 41
Signature data, 40
abort circuit
2-SDU, 35, 36
3-SDU, 39, 40
QS-CU, 44
specifications, 11
wiring diagram, 26
abort confirmation LED, 37
abort delay time, 23
abort modes, 22, 23
abort stations
annunciation, 12
automatic extinguishing systems, 14
compatible, 8
compliance requirements, 12
sprinkler systems, 13
aborting a manual release, 18
Accept Actual command
2-SDU projects, 36, 37
QS-CU projects, 49
activation numbers
3-SDU projects, 41
QS-CU projects, 44, 46
actual and expected data. See reconciling the
Signature map
adding a SIGA-REL
2-SDU projects, 35
3-SDU projects, 39
QS-CU projects, 44
adding circuits to QS-CU projects, 44
2-SDU, 36
3-SDU, 40
QS-CU, 45
agencies, listing, iv, 10
AND groups
automatic release sequence, 16
configuring in 2-SDU, 37
configuring in 3-SDU, 41
configuring in QS-CU, 44, 46
preaction operation in 3-SDU, 41
release response in QS-CU, 46
application block diagrams, 13
ASCO solenoid release valves, 9
audible NAC circuit, 26
automatic delay time, 23
automatic delay timer, 17
automatic fire extinguishing systems, 5, 14
automatic release sequence, 16
BPS10A(/230) power supply, 7
BPS6A(/230) power supply, 7