D397-53-880 Issue C
Page 18
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The four input bytes are bit flags. If a flag value is 0 that function has no alert. If the exact cause of a warning is
unclear it is recommended the user investigate the pump locally using a PDT.
Output Bytes: None
Input Bytes:
Byte 1 Bit 7 = Alarm - EMS system
Byte 1 Bit 6 = Alarm - Drypump Drive
Byte 1 Bit 5 = Alarm - Mechanical Booster Drive
Byte 1 Bit 4 = Alarm - Proximity Booster Drive
Byte 1 Bit 3 = Alarm - Drypump Temperature
Byte 1 Bit 2 = Alarm - Mechanical Booster Temperature
Byte 1 Bit 1 = Alarm - Proximity Booster Temperature
Byte 1 Bit 0 = Alarm - Exhaust Temperature
Byte 2 Bit 7 = Alarm - Exhaust Pressure
Byte 2 Bit 6 = Alarm - Gas
Byte 2 Bit 5 = Alarm - Gate Valve
Byte 2 Bit 4 = Alarm - Water Flow
Byte 2 Bit 3 = Alarm - Service Due
Byte 2 Bit 2 = Alarm - System Controller - System
Byte 2 Bit 1 = Alarm - System Controller - Device
Byte 2 Bit 0 = Alarm - other (any Alarm not in categories above).
Byte 3 Bit 7 = Warning - EMS system
Byte 3 Bit 6 = Warning - Drypump Drive
Byte 3 Bit 5 = Warning - Mechanical Booster Drive
Byte 3 Bit 4 = Warning - Proximity Booster Drive
Byte 3 Bit 3 = Warning - Drypump Temperature
Byte 3 Bit 2 = Warning - Mechanical Booster Temperature
Byte 3 Bit 1 = Warning - Proximity Booster Temperature
Byte 3 Bit 0 = Warning - Exhaust Temperature
Byte 4 Bit 7 = Warning - Exhaust Pressure
Byte 4 Bit 6 = Warning - Gas
Byte 4 Bit 5 = Warning - Gate Valve
Byte 4 Bit 4 = Warning - Water Flow
Byte 4 Bit 3 = Warning - Service Due
Byte 4 Bit 2 = Warning - System Controller - System
Byte 4 Bit 1 = Warning - System Controller - Device
Byte 4 Bit 0 = Warning - other (any Warning not in categories above).
For example input bytes 00 80 00 E0 would indicate an Exhaust pressure alarm + Warnings for Exhaust
pressure, gas and gate valve.
To start the pump after the pump has stopped due to an alarm, the tool controller must send a Stop command
followed by a Start command. See
Module 11 - Pump Control
This is the main control software module. It is used to start and stop ALL connected pumps in sequence. The general
start sequence is DP(s) then MB(s) then PB(s). The shutdown sequence is the reverse.
Output Byte: Single byte is Pump Control.
Values: 1=On
2=Fast Shutdown,
3=Auto Shutdown(slow),
Other values - ignored.
The value is only sent from the Profibus module to the pump on change of demand state (to prevent rapid
cycling if the pump had an alarm state). Thus if the demand state is on, but the pump has been stopped by
something other than the Profibus module, it will be necessary to demand an Off and then an On to restart
the pump.