• Together with your child, identify the pictures on each letter card to practice letter
sounds. Examples: “B as in butterfly” or “B makes the /b/ sound.”
• Before drilling bolts into the cards, have your child trace over each letter with their
finger. This will encourage proper letter formation and recognition.
• Count the number of objects on each number card to practice counting with
one-to-one correspondence.
• Create opportunities for your child to engage in conversation by asking questions such as
“How many blueberries are on that muffin?” or “What sound does this letter make?”
Asking questions is a great way to assess comprehension and builds language development.
Choose a letter or number
card and place it on the
board. For the number
cards, you can choose to
start with the counting or
numeral side.
Count and place the right
number of colored bolts needed
for your selected card.
Drill the bolts into the board
to complete the letter,
number, or object.