EDT, Inc.
VisionLink XF Camera Link Fiber Extender
The VisionLink XF extends Camera Link (base through 80-bit
mode) over fiber, providing electrical isolation and
extended range. It supports cameras from 20 to 85 MHz, and serial data rates up to 115.2 kb/s.
The VisionLink XF extender works with EDT or third-party framegrabbers (see
). The extender units
are designed to work in pairs: one unit connects to the camera and the other to the framegrabber with Camera Link
cabling; then the two units connect to each other with fiberoptic cabling.
shows an example setup.
Figure 1. VisionLink XF extender pair – example setup (medium or 80-bit
Care and Cautions
When opening and handling EDT products, always follow electrostatic dissipative procedures (see
Each EDT product, though built to withstand a wide range of conditions as listed in its datasheet specifications, is still a
high-performance component which requires proper care for best results.
In particular, the connectors – especially the fiberoptic transceivers – must be kept clean and dry. If you suspect the
presence of moisture or debris in the connectors, use compressed air to do the following...
1) Blow the compressed air away from the equipment to clear any moisture or debris
from the air nozzle.
2) Blow the compressed air directly into each connector to clear any moisture or debris there
To avoid damaging your eyesight, never look directly into any fiberoptic transceiver.