146 DUCHAINE BLVD., NEW BEDFORD, MA. 02745-1292 TEL. 508-995-9711 FAX 508-995-5021 E-MAIL [email protected]
Step 4
Connect The Air Line - Air line should be 1/4” pipe or hose. It should deliver at least 8 ACFM and regu
lated between 85 and 95 psi. It is connected to the tee on the top of the cylinder. It is recommended that a
flow control valve be installed between the regulator and the pump air cylinder. (Regulator and flow control
are not included.)
P-120A -02 pg. 4
Air Pumps are factory set to 60 cycles per minute with the input air
holding at 85 psi run pressure and no liquid being pumped.
Do not control pump cycle rate by increasing or decreasing air line pressure.
Air line pressure should alway be kept between 85 and 95 psi.
Step 5
Run The Pump Air Cylinder - Adjust air regulator to 90 psi. Open flow control valve all the way. Cylinder
should cycle at approximately 60 times per minute.
Step 6
Practice Adjusting The Pump Cycle Rate - There are two ways to control the cycle rate. The first is by
adjusting the 2 needle valves, one on each end of the air solenoid. The second is by closing and opening the
air flow control valve. You will use a combination of both adjustments to set the pump performance you
need once the plumbing is installed and liquid is being pumped.
1. Open the air line.
2. Set air line pressure to 90 psi.
3. Open air flow control valve all the way.
4. Using a very small flat head screwdriver start closing (clockwise) the right hand solenoid needle valve. The
down stroke of the air cylinder should start slowing down.
5. Now close the left hand needle valve. The up stroke of the air cylinder should start to slow
6. Now reset the cycle rate to 60 cycles per minute by opening each needle valve till you are getting one
down stoke per second and you perceive that the timing on the up stroke and the down stroke is
approximately the same. Use a watch with a sweep second hand to time the cycle rate.
7. Now open and close the air flow control valve and note the change in cylinder speed.
Tee Connection
FLow Control Valve
Open Flow Control Valve.
Adjust Right Hand Needle Valve
Adjust Left Hand Needle Valve
Page 4 Installation - Air Line