DynaTrol HMI Touch Screen Control
Page 16
During operation safety alarms will appear if a malfunction occurs. Alarms are fatal and
will abort program. Warnings can be reset, by-passed or aborted. Follow screen
instructions for appropriate action required.
Sample Alarm: E-Stop engaged. Machine sent to safe mode. Reset component.
Alarm History screen appears with list of last 100 alarms.
List of Alarms:
Emergency Stop
Wash Motor Overload
Extract Motor Overload
VFD Overload
Door Open During Operation
Low Air Supply
Ozone Pump #1 Failure
Ozone Pump #2 Failure
PowerCell bank less than 50%
Out of Balance Failure
Sample Warning: Water Level Timeout. Machine sent to pause mode. Reset timer, or
override warning.
List of Warnings:
Temperature Timeout
Water Level Timeout
High Temperature in Wash Tub
High Water Level in Wash Tub