Operating Conditions
Table A-2 below lists some of the operating conditions of the meters, covering the
Mk10, Mk10D, Mk10E, Mk7A, and Mk7C unless otherwise noted. Extended limits for
the Mk7A beyond IEC and AS standards have not been tested.
Quantity Conditions
The meter complies with the following standards
IEC 62052-11 (2003), IEC 62053-21 (2003), IEC 62053-23 (2003),
IEC 62052-21 (2004), IEC 62054-21 (2004)
Mk10E: IEC 62053-22 (2003), IEC 61038(1990), IEC 61036(1996)
AS 62052-11 (2005), AS 62053-21 (2005), AS62053-23 (2006), AS
62052-21 (2006), AS 62054-21 (2006), AS 1284.11 (1995) (Mk7),
AS 1284.12 (1995) (Mk10/D/A), AS 1284.5 (2000), AS 62052-21
(2006), AS 62054-21 (2006), AS 1284.7 (1994), NMI M6 Pattern
Approval (pending for Mk10A), EGRD4
Mk10E : AS 62053-22 (2005), AS 1284.12 (1995)
EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3 (Pending for Mk10E, Mk10A)
Nominal (Un)
220VAC to 240VAC. Mk10E is 57.7VAC to 240VAC
Operating Range
0.8 Un to 1.2 Un (Extended IEC is 1.15 Un)
0.8 Un to 1.15 Un for Mk7C PLC
Limit Range
0 Un to 1.2 Un (IEC is 1.15 Un)
0 Un to 1.15 Un for Mk7C PLC
Start up
Time for meter to be fully functional after Un applied is <3s
Whole Current: 7000A for 3 cycles, 30 Imax for 0.5 cycles
CT: 20 Imax for 0.5 seconds
Mk10, Mk10D, Mk10E, Mk7C, Mk7A Active: 45Hz to 65Hz
Mk7A / Mk7C Basic, Passive or PLC: 50Hz +/- 5% at Un
+/- 2% variation for accuracy (per IEC), +/- 6% for Mk10A.
-25°C to +60°C (3K6 mod)
Limit Range
-40°C to +70°C (3K7)
Operation at extremes should be limited to <6h
Limit Range for Storage
and Transport
-40°C to +80°C (3K7 mod)
Storage and transport at extremes should be limited to <6h
Dry Heat test
+80°C (IEC is 70°C)
Damp Heat Cyclic Test
+60°C (IEC is 40°C)
Indoor, Australian Outdoor. Mk7C Outdoor.
Relative Humidity
Non-condensing: Annual mean <75%, 30 days 95% (in a natural
spread), occasionally 85%
Table A-2 Operating Conditions
A-2 EDMI Atlas Hardware Reference Manual