6.3 Set Up The Wireless Projector Server (WPS) To The Internet
You can setup the WPS to connect to your router/existing network that has internet
connection. By doing this, all computers connected to the WPS wirelessly will be able to
access to the Internet via your router. This allows the presenters to enhance their
presentations using the information on the Internet.
1) Configure the WPS from the Web Admin by clicking on Admin>Network Setup.
2) Select
Use the following IP Address
. Configure:
IP Address – Use an IP address that correspond to your router IP range.
Subnet Mask – Use the same Subnet Mask of your router.
Default Gateway – The IP Address of your router.
3) Select
on DHCP Server Setup.
4) Select
All Pass
on GateKeeper.
5) Click ‘Apply ‘and then click ‘Reboot System’ to save your settings.