Start and Stop Recording
To start recording, set the Switch to «On». The
LED flashes five times, and the recorder starts
recording. During recording, the LED is flashing,
the number of flashes indicating battery charge
level (1 flash indicates charge of 80-100%, 2
flashes - 20-80%, 3 flashes indicate charge of
0-20%, which means the battery must be replaced
or rechargeable battery charged) and free memory
capacity: 1 flash states for 100-76%, 2 flashes -
75-51% , 3 flashes - 50-26%, 4 flashes - 25 -1%.
The interval between the first and second series of
flashes is approximately 4 seconds, and between
the second and first is about 8 seconds.
Note that in battery recorders the first series of
flashes shows battery charge at the time the
recorder has been activated and is not controlled
during recording.
To stop recording, shift the Switch to «Off» position.
The LED flashes once for 10-12 seconds and the
recorder stops recording.