Operations Manual
Eberle Design Inc.
Page 13 TIMING
Each channel may be set to either YES or NO. If YES is selected, then DELAY or EXTEND
times may be entered. DELAY
Delay time from 0.1 seconds to 5 minutes may be entered. If a delay time is set then the
output CALL in response to a vehicle entry is delayed for the specified time. If the vehicle
leaves before expiration of the delay, NO CALL is produced. A Timer Control signal input
will inhibit the delay function. EXTEND
Extend time from 0.1 seconds to 1 minute may be entered. If an extension time greater
than zero is entered, the output CALL will be extended for the specified time after the
vehicle has left the detection zone. If the extension time is zero the next item to set will be
Vehicle Counting. Note: when pulse mode is enabled, the extension time extends the
length of the pulse being output. EXTEND TIMING MODE
Extend Always Mode (Always)
: When a vehicle exits the loop zone and the zone remains
vacant, the extend timer will be enabled and CALL output will be maintained until the timer
times out.
Extend On-Green Mode (OnGreen)
: The Extend on Green mode extends a call only when
the timer input is active. If this feature is enabled and the Timer Control input is active when
the loop becomes empty after a vehicle exits, then the extend timer will be enabled and the
CALL output will be maintained until the timer times out. If the Timer Control input is
inactive when the loop becomes empty after a vehicle exits, then the extend timer will not
be enabled and the CALL output will be cleared. While the timer is running, the DETECT
LED will flash 4 times a second. If the timer is running and the Timer Control input becomes
inactive, the timer will be disabled and the CALL will be cleared. If the timer is running and
a vehicle is detected, the timer will be disabled and the CALL maintained until the loop
again becomes empty, at which point the extend process repeats its self.
Extend Disconnect (Discnnct)
: The Disconnect mode disables the output of calls if the loop
is empty for the specified period of time. Disconnect only occurs when the Timer control
input is active. While the Timer Control input is inactive, the Extend/Disconnect timer is not
used and a CALL is output whenever a vehicle is detected. If the Timer Control input is
active and the loop becomes empty after a vehicle exits, then the disconnect timer will be
enabled. While the timer is running, the detect LED will flash 4 times a second. If a vehicle
is detected while the timer is running the disconnect timer will be disabled. If the disconnect
timer times out while the Timer Control input is active, then the CALL output will be
disabled and future detects ignored. When the Timer Control input becomes active, the
CALL output will be enabled again.
Extension plus Disconnect (Ext+Dis)
The Extend plus Disconnect mode generates a call whenever the Timer Control input
becomes active and then disables the call output if the loop is empty for the specified
period of time. While the Timer Control input is inactive, the Extend/Disconnect timer is not
used and a CALL is output whenever a vehicle is detected. When the Timer Control input
becomes active the Extend/Disconnect timer is enabled. While the Extend/Disconnect is
running, the detect LED will flash 4 times a second. If a vehicle is detected while the
Extend/Disconnect is running the Extend/Disconnect timer will be disabled. If the
Extend/Disconnect timer times out while the Timer Control input is active, then the CALL
output will be disabled and future detects ignored. When the Timer Control input becomes
active, the CALL output will be enabled again.