FORD 4.6 and 5.4 Liter
Commonly Used Acronyms
ACT = Air Charge Temp
ACV = Thermactor Air Control Sensor
AOD = Automatic Overdrive Transmission
APP = Accelerator Petal Position
AXOD = Automatic Overdrive Transmission
BAT = Battery Voltage
BCM = Body Control Module
BOO = Brake On/Off Switch
BP = Barometric Pressure Sensor
CCD = Computer Controlled Dwell
CCO = Converter Clutch Override
CDR = Crankcase Depression Regulator
CEL = Check Engine Light
CFI = Central Fuel Injection
CHT = Cylinder Head Temperature
CID = Cylinder Identification Sensor
CKP = Crank Position Sensor
CMP = Cam Position Sensor
CPS = Crankshaft Position Sensor
DTC = Diagnostic Trouble Codes
ECA = Electronic Control Assembly
ECM = Electronic Control Module
ECT = Engine Coolant Temp
EDF = Electric Drive Fan Relay
EDIS = Electronic Distributor
EGO = Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
EGR = Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGRC = EGR Control Solenoid
EOT = Engine Oil Temperature
EVP = EGR Position Sensor
EVR = EGR Valve Regulator
FDM = Fuel Delivery Module
FPM = Fuel Pump Monitor
FRP = Fuel Rail Pressure
HEGO = Heated Exhaust Gas Sensor
IAT = Intake Air Temperature
ICM = Integrated Controller Module
IDM = Ignition Driver Module
ISC = Idle Speed Control
ITS = Idle Tracking Switch
IVS = Idle Validation Switch (Diesel)
KAM = Keep Alive Memory
KOEO = Key On Engine Off
KOER = Key On Engine Running
KS = Knock Sensor
LOAD = Engine Load
LOS = Limited Operation Strategy
LPD = Line Pressure Desired
LUS = Lock-up Solenoid
MAF = Mass Airflow
MAFV = Mass Airflow Sensor Voltage
MAP = Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAT = Manifold Air Temp
MCU = Microprocessor Control Unit
MIL = Malfunction Indicator Light
MPH = Miles Per Hour
OHC = Over Head Camshaft
OSS = Output Shaft Speed
PCM = Powertrain Control Module
PFE = Pressure Feedback EGR Sensor
PIP = Profile Ignition Pickup
PSPS = Power Steering Pressure Switch
RPM = Revolutions Per Minute
SES = Service Engine Soon
SIL = Shift Indicator Light
SPARK = Spark Advance/Retard
SPOUT = Spark Output Signal (from ECA)
STAR = Self Test Automatic Readout
TAPS = Throttle Angle Position Sensor
TCM = Transmission Control Module
TFI = Thick Film Ignition System
TFT = Transmission Fluid Temperature
TGS = Top Gear Switch
THS = Transmission Temperature Switch
TPS = Throttle Position Sensor
TQC = Torque Control
TSS = Turbine Shaft Speed
TTS = Transmission Temperature Switch
VAF = Vane Air Flow Sensor
VAT = Vane Air Temperature
VCT = Variable Cam Timing
VSS = Vehicle Speed Sensor
WAC = WOT A/C Cut-off Switch
WOT = Wide Open Throttle
Technical Support:
To expedite your support call, please have your Vehicle Information,
Part Number, Serial Number, and Date of Manufacture ready prior to
calling Technical Support. The Edge Products information is found on
the label located on the bottom of the device.