To louver, start with a head cut parallel to the rafter
direction, rolling any rafters. The rafters will become the
pivots or hinges to louver the cut sections.
Make parallel longitudinal cuts approximately halfway
between and parallel to the rafters. Be sure to criss-cross
your vertical and horizontal cuts at their intersections.
Complete the louver cut by cutting another horizontal cut
across the bottom, rolling the rafters again. Then louver or
hinge the sections, using the rafter as the pivot point (Fig.
Fig. 23. Use the rafters as the pivot points.
The Pullback Method follows the same procedure as a
louver cut, but you would then remove the roofing material
completely (Fig. 24).
A Strip- or Trench Cut-would normally be used across
the width or length of the roof. You either cut between the
rafters and let the roofing material drop into the structure,
or cut across the rafters, being sure to roll the rafters, then
ouver or pull back the roofing material.
Fig. 25. Trench cut.
Your Cutters Edge Ventilation Saw may be used to cut
many other materials and in conventional applications,
such as downed trees, storm damage, windfalls, cutting
shoring and cribbing, and to remove rubble from building
To cut through other materials, remember the basic opera-
tional rules of your Cutters Edge Ventilation Saw.
practice, you will develop a feel for the saw, enabling you
to "read" the material you are cutting. Remember to always
maintain full RPMs as you cut, and don't force the cut.
Remember the basic rules for safe operation of your
Cutters Edge Ventilation Saw:
1) Wear full turn-outs with gloves, face shield or
2) Keep a firm grip on the saw.
3) Avoid cutting across your body.
4) Cut with full RPMs.
5) Avoid the bar's kickback zone.
6) Do not attempt to operate saw without comple-
tion of yourfire department's training forthe use
of a power tool.
Fig. 24. Remove roof materials for the pullback.