VT-100 Series -
Quickstart Guide - ED-006-012-04
To attach your VT-100 to an epaulette, you will need:
A VT-100
An epaulette mount (VT-100-FIX-EP)
Firstly, attach your VT-100 to the mount by pulling the
metal clip on the back of the stud towards the mount,
and sliding the attachment into the mounting rail on
the back of your VT-100 until a firm click is heard.
Hold your VT-100 vertically, underneath the epaulette.
Keeping the clip open, push the mount through the
epaulette. It may be necessary to position the mount
at a slight angle if it doesn’t fit initially.
Release the clip when it is fully through the epaulette,
and fit the hook over your epaulette’s button (if
present) to secure.