Document: UMAU011367.docm
Revision: A03
Created by: KJB
Date: 26 Sep 2019
Source Location: C:\ePDM\ISLEng\products\au-micromag\manuals\UMAU011367.docm
Page 19 of 26
User Ma
Ensure that all fasteners are in place and secure. In particular, check the fasteners holding on
cameras, lights, tracks, and the harness block.
Visually inspect the vehicle and Mini
tracs™ to ensure that the moving parts are free of debris and
functional. Make sure the track belt is free of debris and turns freely.
Check the tether and vehicle whips for damage.
Ensure camera, light, and laser ports are clean.
Check the reel for the following:
Check that nothing will block movement of the level wind shuttle.
Check that the tether has no loose, dangling coils. Dangling coils can propagate as the drum
rotates and have the potential to jump the drum. Take care of these before deploying the tether.
Check fall arrest system.
Power up the system and check the following:
Check for sufficient SSD drive space for recording.
Check record directories are set.
Test video recording.
Test laser lines.
Test auxiliary lights.
Test track control.
Test camera control.