You can save the summary statistics by pressing the Save button.
However, this does not reset the “n” value so you can continue
to make measurements. The Save button only saves the summary
statistics and not the data you use to calculate the values.
Downloading Data
Your ProCheck comes with ECH2O Utility software for Microsoft
Windows. The Utility makes downloading data to your computer
very easy. In general, you should use the ECH2O Utility to down-
load data instead of the Menu option in the ProCheck.
Note: You must install the USB driver before connecting the USB
Cable to your computer. You can install the driver from the USB in-
cluded with your ProCheck or download at www.decagon.com/support.
This menu option sends the data saved in the ProCheck to the ter-
minal software running on your computer.
1. Configure your terminal software with the following settings:
9600 baud
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
No software/hardware flow control
Append line feeds to incoming line ends
2. Connect your ProCheck to an available USB port on your com-
puter using the included RS-232 to USB cable.
3. Set your terminal software to capture received data if you want
to save the data.
4. Select “Download” from the ProCheck Data menu.
Erasing Data Memory
Caution: Once you activate this feature, all data is perma-
nently deleted from the ProCheck, and is not coverable.
Follow steps 1 through 3 to erase your data.