P5TX–Apro User’s Manual
Reference Information – 4.32
Soft-Off By PWR-BTTN
This line controls the function of a power switch attached to
the PWR ON pins (19 & 20) of the J10 Case Features connector.
When set to the default, you must press the power switch for
four seconds or more to turn the system off. Pressing it for less
than four seconds will put the system into Suspend mode. If your
system has a separate Suspend switch you can set this to Instant
Off and the power switch will only function to turn the system
on and off.
Delay 4 Sec.
Instant Off
CPU Fan Off In Suspend
In the default Enabled setting, when a CPU Fan is connected
to one of the fan power connectors on the mainboard, the fan
will turn off when the system is in Suspend mode. The other
option is Disabled.
Resume By Alarm
You can set the system to wake up at a certain date and time
by setting this line to Enabled. When enabled, two more lines
appear to allow you to set the wake-up date and time. The date is
a day within the current calendar month. The screen on the next
page illustrates this. The default setting is Disabled.
Break Event From Suspend
The two lines in this section control whether the system will
wake-up if either of the events noted occur. The defaults are shown
on the screen illustration on the next page.