P5TX–Apro User’s Manual
Reconfiguring Your Mainboard – 3.12
In practice, for an Off setting
on a two-pin jumper, place
the cap over one pin so that it
doesn’t get lost.
CPU Jumper Tables & Illustrations
The next few pages show the CPU jumper settings. The set-
tings are listed in the tables as follows:
• Where two pins are shorted (connected) by a jumper cap on a
three-or-more-pin jumper the shorted pins are listed, e.g. 1-2
• For a two-pin jumper, On, if the cap is in place, and Off, if the
cap is not in place.
In the jumper illustrations, the Pin 1 position is shaded and
the jumpers, shown in a “bird’s eye” view, look like this:
A jumper with a cap in position looks like this:
The default settings are noted in the tables.