Chapter 2
Install the VGA Card in the PCIE X16 slot
Remove a blanking plate from the system case corresponding to the slot
you are going to use.
Install the edge connector of the add-on card into the expansion slot.
Ensure that the edge connector is correctly seated in the slot.
Secure the metal bracket of the card to the system case with a screw.
1. For some add-on cards, for example graphics adapters and network adapt-
ers, you have to install drivers and software before you can begin using the
add-on card.
2. The onboard PCI interface does not support 64-bit SCSI cards.
Follow these instructions to install an add-on card:
Please refer the following illustrations to install the add-on card:
Install the LAN Card in the PCIE X1 slot
Install the VGA Card in the PCI slot