Air Handlers
• Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual •
Comfort where it counts
P/N 240008108, Rev. G [07/08/10]
CACH/CAHH/CAHK Microprocessor Controller Operation
When power is fi rst applied to the con-
trol or aft er a power outage there is a
three minute delay before the compres-
sor or electric heat will energize. Th
is is
to protect the unit from short cycling due
to loss of power.
e controller must be confi gured with
Remote Thermostat NO
to operate us-
ing the infrared remote controller. See
(Table 6, pg. 32) for details. (Remote
ermostat YES means the unit will be
controlled by a wall thermostat.)
Handheld remote operation
When power is fi rst applied to the control or
aft er a power outage there is a three minute
delay before the compressor or electric heat
will energize. Th
is is to protect the unit from
short cycling.
Pointing the remote
When entering commands into the remote,
make sure it is pointed toward the cassett e’s
infrared receiver window (see Figure 34,
Page 33 ). Th
e cassett e will respond with a
beep indicating that it has successfully re-
ceived the transmitt ed information.
There may be occasions when the remote
and the cassett e’s main control board mode
synchronization or are not in the same mode.
is can happen if commands are entered
into the remote, but it is not pointed at the
cassett e.
To re-synchronize:
Enter any command into the remote
while pointing it at the cassett e’s infrared
receiver window.
Alternatively, hold the POWER/SEND
butt on for two seconds. All of the optional
remote’s sett ings will be transmitt ed to the
cassett e. Th
e cassett e will respond with a
beep, indicating that it has successfully
received the transmitt ed information.
Temperature indication
e room temperature displayed on the re-
mote is the temperature at the remote. Th
microprocessor control located in the cassett e
does not read the remote’s temperature — it
uses a sensor located in the return air of the
cassett e.
Therefore, the warming or cooling of the
remote alone will not eff ect the operation of
the Cassett e. Th
e Cassett e will react to its local
temperature sensing element and the setpoint
selected and transmitt ed by the remote.
Transmission limits
e remote has a useful transmission distance
approximately twenty (20) feet when perpen-
dicular to the face of the Cassett e. However,
this distance will vary and decrease when the
angle of transmission is not perpendicular.
is distance may also vary depending on the
lighting in the room.
Hibernate mode
If there is no activity on the remote for ten
minutes, it will enter a hibernate mode and the
display will go dark. While in hibernate mode,
pressing any butt on will awaken the remote.
e remote will return to the mode it was in
prior to entering hibernate mode.