The data, information and descriptions, and the technology described herein are the exclusive intellectual property of Ecotechnics S.p.A. and constitute industrial
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Service manual VA500-VA750 ed.1 ver.5.05 [MANU360.SA0].doc
pag.17 - 18/10/2005
This operation should be performed when the scale values displayed are out of line with known
values. The operations listed below must be performed with the maximum attention and care.
Always observe the precautions outlined in this section. Always place the weights carefully on
the scale plate, one at a time. Always place the weights the center of the scale plate. Proceed
as explained below to calibrate the scale (see fig.3). Disconnect the machine from mains
supply. Procure a known reference weight (16 or 18 kg). Remove the plastic cover on the rear
of the machine (ONLY MODEL XK360) to access the machine bottle. Close the blue and red
taps on the bottle. Unscrew the bottle lock nut (3). Separate the heating coil (4) from the bottle
(do not touch or disconnect the wires of the resistance coil).
Remove the bottle (5) from its seat, leaving the resistance around the scale plate(ONLY
MODEL XK360). Rest the bottle on a stand at least 40 cm in height. Switch on the MACHINE.
Be careful not to touch any electrical wires. Wait at least 10 seconds. Press the + and ARROW
keys simultaneously and hold down for about 5 seconds. The value displayed at this point will
correspond to the scale zero value. Press down lightly on the scale plate; the value should
increase. If it does not, replace the charge cell. Press the ENTER key to memorize the value.
In this phase, take care that nothing touches the scale plate). Place the reference weight (16 or
18 kg) carefully at the center of the scale plate and check that the displayed value increases
accordingly. Press the SEL key and use the + e ARROW keys to type in the 4 figures of the
reference weight. Press ENTER. The display reading should be the reference weight minus the
weight of the empty bottle (ca. 6.1 kg).
Remove the reference weight. Switch off the machine and disconnect from mains supply.
Replace the bottle in its seat on the scale plate. Switch on the MACHINE, taking care not to
touch any electrical wires. Check calibration: place a known 0.5 kg or 1 kg reference weight on
the bottle and check that the displayed availability value increases by the value of the known
reference weight ±2%. Remove the reference weight. Switch off the machine and disconnect
from mains supply. Screw down the bottle lock nut (3). Open the red and blue bottle taps.
Replace the rear plastic cover(ONLY MODEL XK360).