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pag.16 - 18/10/2005
Service manual VA500-VA750 ed.1 ver.5.05 [MANU360.SA0].doc
oil: use only synthetic (polyester) oils or the oils recommended by the A/C system manufacturer
(ISO 68 density). Always refer to the information provided by the system manufacturer.
Procedure: Lift the oil tank out of its lodging. Hold the cap and unscrew the tank. Fill with the
correct quantity of suitable type and grade oil for compressors. Screw the tank back into the
cap while holding the latter in place.
This operation must be performed whenever the oil level exceeds 200 cc. Procedure. Remove
the tank from its lodging very carefully. Hold the cap and unscrew the tank. Empty the contents
into a container for used oils. Screw the tank back into the cap while holding the latter in place.
Replace the tank.