(00101101) Display Memory Check Fault
On power up the display has checked its memory against a known reference and found differences.
Primary Source
- Display Module.
- Replace Display Module.
(00101111) Basket Dis-engage Fault
While carrying out a basket check, the Motor Controller Module has found that the basket is not
engaged even though the pressure sensor indicates that the basket is empty. The Motor Controller
Module continues to check for 2 minutes. During this time the module has not been able to
determine a valid basket status and so displays this fault. This fault differs from fault 40 in that a
valid basket status could not be determined. The first two areas to check are the clutch and the
pressure tube. If these two appear correct, then the fault could be with the pressure sensor in the
Motor Controller Module.
Primary Source
- Mechanical.
Check that there are no clothes or other foreign objects preventing the clutch from re-engaging.
Next check that the pressure tube has not come off and that it is not kinked.
Secondary Source
- Motor Controller Module.
- Replace Motor Controller Module, if the above checks out without fault.
(00110000) Hot and Cold Valve Faulty
The Motor Controller Module has measured voltages from the valve diagnostic circuit that indicate
both the hot and cold valves are faulty. The most likely cause is that the valve harnesses have not
been connected correctly or the valve is open circuit.
Primary Source
- Wiring.
- Check valve harnesses are correctly fastened to valves.
Secondary Source
- Water Valves.
- Check valve coils are not faulty (open circuit).
Tertiary Source
- Motor Controller Module.
- Replace the Motor Controller Module.
(00110001) Cold Valve Faulty
The Motor Controller Module has measured a voltage from the valve diagnostic circuit that
indicates the cold valve is faulty. The most likely cause is that the valve harness has not been
connected correctly or the valves are open circuit. See fault 48 for service procedure.