W2W Series Heat Pump
Ecologix Heating Technologies Inc
221 Holiday Inn Drive Cambridge ON
ph: 519-658-4330
plumbing discussion as well. All plumbing
should conform to local codes and consider the
Wide temperature variation applications,
such as heating/cooling coils:
Employ piping materials that are rated for
the maximum temperature and pressure
combination. This excludes PVC for most
heating applications.
Insure load water flow in high temperature
heating applications is at least 3 gpm per ton
to improve performance and reduce
nuisance high-pressure faults.
Should NOT employ plastic to metal
threaded joints.
Utilize a pressure tank and air separator vent
system to equalize pressure and remove air.
Swimming Pool/Hot tub applications:
Load coax material should always be, at
minimum cupro-nickel in chlorine/bromine fluid
Potable Water Applications:
Load coax material should always be vented
double walled when used directly in potable
water systems. Alternatively, the domestic water
can be separated from the load water through a
second heat exchanger provided as part of a load
manager or other Ecologix geothermal pumping
Ensure load water flow in high temperature
heating applications is at least 3gpm per ton to
improve performance and reduce nuisance high-
pressure faults.
Pressure Testing:
Pressure testing of all piping connections is
recommended before finishing of interior space
or before access to connections is limited.
Equipment manufacturer is not responsible for
damages from water leaks due to inadequate
The W2W-series heat pumps are equipped with a
desuperheater, which can be used to divert a
portion of the delivered heat to a domestic hot
water tank. This provides hot water at the heat
pump’s COP while operating in heating mode,
and virtually free hot water while operating in
cooling mode. Heat pumps with a desuperheater
also include a circulating pump, so that the only
necessary plumbing is to connect the
desuperheater loop to the domestic tank or
preheat tank. For systems with a gas, oil, or
propane water heater, or with an electric water
heater with only a single center element, a dual
tank system is recommended to ensure that water
enters the desuperheater at a suitable
Do not connect wiring to the desuperheater
pump until the heat pump is ready to
commission and the desuperheater loop has
been filled and fully purged of air. Running
the pump dry can cause pump failure.