Transport inspection
Check the delivery for completeness and any transport damage.
In case of visible damage, proceed as follows:
Do not accept the delivery or accept provisionally.
Note down the extent of damage in the transport documents or on the delivery slip.
Lodging a complaint.
Claim for any damages as soon as you notice them.
Damage claims can only be filed within the applicable period for complaints.
The individual packages are packaged according to the expected transport conditions.
Only environment-friendly materials were used for the packaging.
The packaging is designed to protect the individual components up to assembly against
shipping damage, corrosion and other damage.
Do not destroy the packaging and only remove it just before assembly.
Risk of environmental damage due to incorrect disposal!
Packaging materials are valuable raw materials and can, in many cases, be
used again or be usefully processed and recycled.
Incorrect disposal of packaging materials can be a threat to the
– Observe the locally applicable disposal regulations!
– Environmentally-friendly disposal of packaging materials.
– If necessary, hire a specialist to carry out disposal.
General information
417102286 Rev. 01-03.2019