Ecodhome TTD USB Programmer 2014 User Manual Download Page 1


User Manual


Please read these instructions before use. Keep documentation 

with device for future reference and for others to refer to.

Package Contents

1 TTD USB Programmer 2014

1 Instructi on Manual

How to Use Device

TTD USB Programmer enables quick programming and facilitates 

programming multi ple thermostati c heads using the TTD101 port. 

The programmable key is compati ble with the USB port of any PC. 

The cable can ONLY be connected to the programming port of the 

Ecodhome TTD101 heads.

Never use to connect to the mini-USB port of any other device. 

TTD USB Programmer is not suitable for use as a portable storage 


Control Elements and Indicators

1  USB connector

2  Connector for TTD101 programming port

3  Red/Green  LED indicator 




Functi ons

PROGmati c allows you to easily defi ne by programming the on 

your computer, the ti mings, Comfort and Eco temperatures of the 

TTD101 thermostati c heads. The temperature profi les of the vari-

ous environments can be easily stored on all TTD101 thermostati c 

heads. The thermostats automati cally acquire the ti me and date. 

Installazione del soft ware 

Download the soft ware for programming TTD USB Programmer on 

htt p:// ware/tt d-

usb-programmer Once you have clicked on the link to download the 

soft ware, it will automati cally open a window allowing you to install 

the program.

1. Select the desired language

2. Select the desti nati on folder

3. Click on „Install“

4. When fi nished, click „Finish“

Start TTD USB Programmer

Plug the USB connector into an available port on your PC. If the key 

is properly connected the red and green LEDs will fi xed on, indicati ng 

access mode.

If the drive is connected correctly, this will allow the subsequent 

transfer of programs to the connected heads. 

At this point you can proceed with programming the heads.

Set the Environment Profi les

When you fi rst start, the profi le setti  ng is set with 01 P values pre-

defi ned in the factory, which you can amend or cancel depending 

on your needs.

Name the Environment Profi les

For ease of identi fi cati on, each environment profi le can be saved 

with a specifi c name. The personalized defi niti ons must be entered 

in the appropriate box and confi rmed with OK.

Creati ng New Environment Profi les

Click on the „+“ to add new environments. Label each room up to a 

maximum of 10. For each environment, you can set minimum and 

comfort temperatures, as well as switching off  the head.

The program will only accept the creati on of a new area when you 

have completed the previous profi le.

Set the Eco and Comfort Temperatures

Both the Eco and Comfort temperatures can be easily defi ned in the 

relevant boxes within each environment profi le.

Setti  ng Off -set Values

The temperature within the room can be diff erent to the tempera-

ture measured at the radiator itself. If, for example, instead of the 

21°C set, the room temperature is only 19°C, the user can select an 

off set value of 2°C

Setti  ng Weekday Opti ons

The butt ons above the ti me bar allow you to program each day of 

the week separately, or to defi ne a block.

Individual Day – every day gets its own heati ng profi le.

Suggested blocks:

From Monday to Friday – weekdays get the same heati ng profi le

Saturday & Sunday – weekend days get the same heati ng profi le.

Set a Comfort Time Slot

To defi ne a Comfort heati ng ti me period move cursor over starti ng 

point and drag slide with  mouse, while pressing left  butt on, to the 

desired end ti me, where you release. 

The Comfort ti me slot is represented by the dark green bar / slide.

Repeat the same steps to defi ne the next ti me slots. Follow the 

same procedure for other days of the week.

Cancel or Amend a Comfort Time Slot

To cancel a Comfort ti me slot, place the cursor on the slide in ques-

ti on and right click the mouse. The screen displays a menu, which 

among other things, allows you to delete selected ti me slot.

To amend a Comfort heati ng ti me period, place the cursor on the 

slide in questi on, positi on it at the end you want to move, then drag 

with mouse, pressing left  butt on, to the ti me required.

Save Profi le Environment

Aft er you have programmed your environment profi le, these can 

be saved using the „Save“ butt on or by selecti ng „Save….“ from the 

menu „File“, where a window will open giving you various opti ons 

to select:

1. Save the soft ware on your PC – the diff erent profi les created will 

be saved as .dat fi les.

2. Save the program on the TTD USB Programmer – allows the 

transfer of profi les to the TTD101 heads.

Other Features

Child Lock

This can be enabled / disabled separately for each environment 

profi le.


Holiday Functi on

This tab allows you to enter the days / vacati on periods planned. 

During these periods, the thermostati c heads will regulate the 

temperature according to the set values. 

Click „+“ to add a new holiday profi le. You can create up to 8 

profi les. 

To set the start of a holiday period, click on the calender icon 

(Start). To set the start ti me, click the mouse on the „00:00“ dis-

played, and set the desired ti me. The end of the holiday period can 

be set by clicking on the calender icon (End). 

By clicking on the „X“, you can delete the holiday profi le. 

Label period, in this case „Holiday 1“:

Add holiday   

Holiday 1 





17-08-2014    7)



31-08-2014    7)

Economy temperature (economy) 


Print a Summary of Profi les

If you select ‘Print’ from the ‘File’ menu, you can print a summary 

of the profi les created.

Opening the Environment Profi les Saved

If you select ‘Open’ from the ‘File’ menu, you can open the profi les 

previously saved.

Child Lock:

On / Off 


Save new profi les

Define Blocks: 

Days with same ti me and

temperature setti  ngs

Setti  ng Switches: 

Set the Eco / Comfort temperatu-

res and Temp. Off set

Environment Profi le Secti on:

Chart for scheduling Comfort & Eco heati ng ti me slots.

Light green – Eco, dark green – Comfort.

Menu Bar:

Open and save the profi les 

created, and print overview 

Status Bar:

Acti vated – green

Inacti ve - grey

TTD USB Programmer
