Ozone readings are displayed continuously on the panel liquid crystal display (LCD).
The displayed data is updated every 10 seconds. Voltage, current loop, and digital
outputs on the rear panel are described in Outputs to External Equipment below.
The panel Function Control is to access the internal microprocessor. The knob is gently
but firmly pushed in, held there until a response is seen in the LCD display, released,
turned to select a function, and then pressed momentarily to activate the selected
Upon start up, the UV-100 will display software version number then date and time.
Pressing the function knob will open the main menu.
Scale (SCL) Menu:
Pressing the function knob again enters the scale menu.
The UV-100 independently controls the 0-2.5 VDC and 4-20mA scales. This feature is
very useful in multi-level control applications. See the Application Examples section for
more information.
The scale can be set to full scale = to 1 PPM to 999 PPM. Setting the scale maximum
near the normal operational Ozone levels will better resolution at lower readings.
Selecting the <- arrow returns to the previous menu.
NOTE: The SCL function affects ONLY the analog output (0-2.5V and 4-20mA).
This display always reads 0.00-999 ppm.