Smart 3pA Page 8
2.5 Power up the display unit
Remove the battery cover from the display unit (and the memory card if installed) and insert 2 x C
Cell batteries, ensuring they are in the right way round.
Then replace the battery cover
After a short power up routine you will need to input some basic information.
Set the currency using the < and > Arrows select £,$,€ or
Then press the right hand green button to store
Set the Date (Year, Month, Day) using the < and > arrows.
Press the green button bottom right to save and move on.
Set the time in hours and minutes using the <and > arrows.
Press the green button bottom right to store.
Selecting the currency also inputs the most appropriate country specific value for voltage
2.6 Is it working?
If the sensor and transmitter are connected correctly, the display will automatically show the current
KW reading for the total of all 3 phases (if all 3 are plugged in) and one of the LEDs on the display
will be flashing at the same time as the LED on the transmitter every 4 seconds.
Try switching your Kettle on or a high energy piece of machinery and you should see the big number
increase and at this point you will notice the red light begin to flash on the monitor.
Remember the transmitter talks to the display by radio so check that you have the antenna icon
visible in the bottom right hand corner of the display,