In order to get the best result when frothing milk, open the steam lever for approx. 5 seconds to
release the condensation water in the pipe and to release dry steam.
Immerse the steam nozzle (at the end of the steam dispenser) into the liquid.
Re-open the steam handle.
Heat and/or froth the liquid.
After frothing or heating, release the steam into the drip tray to keep the holes of the steam nozzle clean.
Risk of injury
Always keep the steam nozzle underneath the surface of the liquid while heating or frothing in order
to avoid sprayings.
After every application clean the steam nozzle and the steam dispenser with a non-abrasive, damp
cloth. This removes possible liquid residues.
Risk of injury
Avoid skin contact with the steam dispenser while cleaning!
A regular and accurate care is very important for the performance, the longevity and the safety of your machine.
Always switch the machine off and let it cool down to room temperature before cleaning.
7.1 General cleaning
Daily cleaning:
Porta filter, filters, drip-tray, grid and plate of the drip tray, measuring spoon and tamper require daily cleaning. Use
warm water and/or a food safe detergent for cleaning.
Clean the shower screen and the group gasket in the lower part of the group and remove visible dirt without
dissasembling the parts.
Cleaning as necessary:
Clean the steam and hot water valve after every use.
Clean the body when the machine is switched off and cool.
Use a soft, damp cloth for cleaning.
Never use abrasive or chloric detergents!
7.2 Automatic group cleaning and degreasing of the brew groups
A brew group cleaner (in powder or tablet form) is available at your specialized dealer. The cleaning is carried out
using the blind filter included with delivery.
Heat up the machine.
Insert the blind filter into the porta filter.
Fill the blind filter with the group cleaning powder or with one tablet.
Clamp the porta filter into the brew group.
Start the brew group cleaning mode by simultaneously pressing the P-button and button no. 1 on the key pad of
the respective brew group. The cleaning mode commences, a flashing light appears on the control panel which
blinks on and off in several intervals. The cleaning program stops automatically after five cleaning cycles (the
pump runs for 15 seconds, turns off for 20 seconds, runs for 15 seconds, etc.).
Remove the porta filter with the blind filter and rinse it with fresh water. Then clamp it back into the brew group.
Start the cleaning cycle again without using detergent and repeat step no. 5.