The material in this Flight Training and Standards Manual is provided as a
reference document for use by all Eclipse 500 pilots. It provides guidance for
Eclipse 500 normal flight operations, abnormal flight operations, and flight training
operations. Additionally, it provides specific material intended to give each pilot the
higher order pilot skills required to become proficient in single pilot resource
management and flight operations. The intent of this manual is to promote
standardization in all Eclipse 500 flight procedures with the ultimate goal of safe
flight operations in today’s National Airspace System (NAS).
This manual is organized into four sections that cover the following topics:
Single Pilot Resource Management and Operations
Normal Operations
Abnormal Operations
Flight Training Operations
Single Pilot Resource Management and Operations
This section encompasses a broad spectrum of procedures and techniques for
the single pilot in both preflight planning and in-flight operations. The material
contained in this section will help the pilot understand what key elements must
be integrated in order to be an effective single pilot manager and operator.
These elements include airplane control, flight automation, PFDs / MFD,
standard operating procedures, airplane systems, resource management, risk
management, and decision making. At the end of this section is a list of safe
practices that every pilot should embrace to uphold a commitment to safety.
Normal Operations
This section covers all operations that would be encountered during normal
preflight and flight. This section includes an expanded explanation of all the
normal checklists, and the techniques to accomplish those checklists in an
organized and standardized pattern. This section also gives the procedures and
profiles for all the normal maneuvers performed from takeoffs to approaches
and landings in both VMC and IMC. Included are guides for single pilot “self
briefings” in order to instill the self-discipline of situational awareness and safety
Abnormal Operations
This portion provides standards and procedures for selected events that would
not be seen in normal operations. The events cover topics such as rejected
takeoffs, single engine operations, flap malfunctions, cabin smoke and fires,
emergency descents, rapid decompressions, upset recoveries, and emergency
evacuations. This section also includes a discussion on emergency procedures
management and standards to follow in any abnormal situation.