3. Flight Instruments.................................. CHECK
Taxi light should be on when during taxi. Turn taxi light off when stopped (or in
consideration of others) and back on when moving again.
When crossing a runway, turn all exterior lights on. Exercise caution in using
forward facing lights when crossing at night in the event that they may be
blinding to other flight crews or ground traffic in motion.
Accomplish this checklist before entering active runway.
If icing conditions exist and there is precipitation, make a visual inspection before
takeoff to confirm no ice or snow is present on wing surfaces. Do not begin takeoff if
ice or snow is present; de-icing is required.
1. Takeoff Briefing ............................... COMPLETE
Include flap position, Vr, and initial heading / altitude
2. Batteries (Charge Rates)…….CHECK, LESS THAN 7 AMPS
Verify excessive charging is not occurring, ensuring health of battery
3. Warning Lights and CAS Annunciations………. ACKNOWLEDGED
4. T/O CONFIG OK Status Message………….ANNUNCIATED
5. External Lights ........................... AS REQUIRED
Turn on strobe lights when cleared into position and hold on the runway. When
cleared for takeoff, turn on landing lights.
6. Air Source Switch…………….NORMAL
1. GEAR Handle.................................................. UP
After confirming positive rate of climb
2. FLAP POSITION Handle................................. UP
At 400’ AGL or obstacle clearance