RELEASE: time the compressor uses to stop compressing after the input signal has
fallen below the threshold
MAKE-UP: gain applied to the signal after compression, to globally increase its level
once dynamically modified
KNEE: type of curve (transition zone around the threshold) that determines whether
the bend in the response curve around threshold is abrupt (HARD) or gradual (SOFT)
GR (GAIN REDUCTION): compression real time indicator (dB), very useful to adjust
different parameters of the compressor, including MAKE-UP GAIN
5) COPY/PASTE: icons to copy the settings from one channel and "paste" them in another,
cloning the settings (all settings, except the label or channel name)
The two inputs can be part of the same group. In this mode, the settings of an input (for example
the left channel) will be automatically applied to the other input (right channel), and vice versa.
The F2 key allows you to rename an input or output channel: