E16- -E17
3. Maximum ingestion of oxygen (VO2_max) and maximum
heart rate measuring
According to formula (1) and (2) the body required energy,
ingestion of oxygen, weight and work/exercise-load are
proportional as below graph:
According to formula (2), the increasing work/exercise-load will
cause the output energy and VO
will increase proportionally. But
the output energy of body is limited because the lung and heart
can not work unconfined. So the physical condition is decided by
the maximum ingestion of oxygen, i.e. who has a higher value of
maximum ingestion of oxygen has better physical condition.
max can be measured precisely in lab, meanwhile the
maximum heart rate (HRM
max) can also be measured.
4. Estimated value of maximum heart rate
Referring to the
(American Collage of Sports Medicine)
formula, the maximum heart rate can be estimated as HRM
(BPM, beat per minute) = 220 – Age.
Above mentioned formula to estimate maximum heart rate is just a
reference, actually, it will be affected by weight, physical condition
and behavior of life even at the same age. The tolerance is at
about 10~12 BPM.
5. Sports and the cardiovascular system
We can improve muscle strength and also cardiopulmonary
condition through correct exercise. We can see improvements in the
cardiopulmonary condition through the heart rate, which will
decrease during exercise at the same intensity. Because of an
increase in vital capacity transport, more blood and oxygen are
transported by each contraction of the heart, and the skeletal
muscles also receive more oxygen. This can be monitored if you use
Pulsports as a guide for exercise. You can also find that recovery
time will decrease as the cardiopulmonary condition is improved.
According to the statistics on cardiopathy in people with different
careers in Japan, the ratio heart trouble in office staffs is 2 times that
of laborers, and that of urbanites is 1.43 times that of people living in
villages. Thus, we can see that exercise improves physical condition
and prevents cardiopulmonary disease.
- 1. Intensity
Four essences of exercise
- 2. Duration
- 3. Frequency
- 4. Mode of Exercise
According to the purpose of exercise, we give the following brief
Usually there are two ways to measure the intensity of exercise:
Intensity of exercise:
(a). Relative intensity of exercise (%HRR): At first you have to
measure the heart rate at rest (HR_rest). You can record the
heart rate on 5 days in succession usually in the morning after
you wake up but before you get up, obtaining an average of 5
values. The resting heart rate can also be measured at a time
at least 2.5 hours after meal, after sitting calmly for 3-5
minutes before measuring. According to the equation for
maximum heart rate from the ACSM (American College of
Sports Medicine): HR_max (Unit=BPM: Beats Per Minute) =
220 – Age. For example, the maximum heart rate (HR_max)
for a 20 year old man is 220-20=200 BPM.
So the relative intensity of exercise (%HRR) = (Current
heart rate – HR_rest) ÷ (HR_max – HR_rest) × 100%