EchoNous AI Station 2 User Guide
AIS: Kosmos on Android without Power Pack
Installing Android Tablet to AIS
What’s in the box
Android-iOS Tablet
Button Head Torx
Screws (4)
T-25 Hex wrench
Washers (4)
Tablet mount keys (2)
Tablet mount Allen key
Penta Nuts (4)
Penta Nut Key
To install Android-iOS Tablet Mount to AIS:
Align the tablet mount to the AIS mounting plate. Once aligned, insert
Button Head Torx screw/washer combo through openings on the mounting
plates and secure the ends with Penta Nuts. Use the Hex wrench and Penta
Nut Key to tighten hardware.
Android-iOS tablet mount plate
Button Head Torx screw/washer
Penta Nut
AIS mounting plate