WDM console – all products
Adjusting Playback Volume
Output volume adjustments are made in the digital domain. When you lower a
volume fader below 0dB, you are actually decreasing the number of available bits,
thereby taking away from the potential dynamic range of the system. Therefore,
we suggest that whenever possible you leave the output faders set to 0dB, and
perform any necessary attenuation on your external mixer. When the playback
volume controls are set to 0dB and the input signal approaches the maximum pre-
clipping level, you can achieve the full 24-bit dynamic range of the system.
Clock and digital mode settings
The area within the yellow outline on the upper right lets you select your sync
source and digital mode. If a given clock is detected, the indicator next to the
clock button will turn green. You will only be allowed to select clocks that have
been detected. In order for a digital clock to be detected the console must be set to
the appropriate digital mode. Also, you may only select the digital mode if there
aren’t any applications actively playing or recording.
Sample rates above 48kHz will not be available while ADAT mode is
selected. This is because ADAT does not support sample rates higher than
WDM console – all products