Audio connections – Gina24
Connecting to Gina24’s Audio Interface
The front and back panels of Gina24’s audio interface contain a wide variety of
connections that allow great flexibility in the operation of Gina24. To achieve the
optimal performance with Gina24, it is critical that the appropriate cabling and
connectors are used.
Analog Inputs and Outputs
Gina24 has two analog inputs and eight analog outputs on the front panel. The
input and output connections can accept balanced or unbalanced jacks via ¼”
connectors. By default, the inputs and outputs are set to receive or send a +4 dBu
signal. You can also select –10 dBV for each individual input and output (see the
description of the console, below).
Gina24’s front panel also has a ¼” headphone output jack with a corresponding
volume knob which monitors analog outputs 1 and 2.
The Computer Connector
On the back panel of the Gina24 audio interface box is a connector labeled
. It is the point at which the audio interface connects to the Gina24
PCI card inside your computer.
Audio connections – Gina24