Overfl ow protection
When the water in the tank exceeds a certain limit, it automatically sounds an audible alarm and the display
will show the warning “FL”. In this case, the water should be drained (see section “Emptying the water tank”).
After draining, the air conditioner returns automatically to the original mode of operation.
Compressor protection
The compressor is equipped with a protective function that prevents the immediate re-start of the compressor.
This three minute delay helps extend the life of the appliance.
Operation modes
Cooling and airfl ow mode
After turning on the air conditioner is in the cooling mode by default. You can also switch the air conditioner
into cooling mode using modes button. The cooling indicator is on.
Using buttons UP and DOWN set the required temperature in range from 17°C to 30°C.
Press the air fl ow speed button to choose between low, medium and high air fl ow speed.
Airfl ow mode
Press the modes button to select the air fl ow speed. The airfl ow indicator is on.
Press the air fl ow speed button to choose between low, medium and high air fl ow speed.
Dehumidifi cation mode
• Press the modes button to select the dehumidifi cation mode. The
dehumidifi cation indicator is on.
Pull the plug from the drain of the condensate and insert a hose in the drain.
Put the other end of the hose in a suitable container or a sink.
If in the dehumidifi cation mode the temperature in the room is higher
than 15°C, the air conditioning compressor starts working. The operation is
then controlled as follows: When the temperature in the room drops below
13°C, the compressor stops. When the temperature rises again above 150C,
the compressor starts again. If the interval between turning on and off the
compressor were less than 3 minutes, in order to protect the compressor
a three minutes delay was included before the restart.
The fan runs by default at low speed and the speed of the airfl ow cannot be
set in the dehumidifi cation mode.
Temperature cannot be set.
When using the dehumidifying function remove the exhaust hose from the air conditioner. Otherwise, the
dehumidifi cation is not effi
cient or the alarm “FL” appears indicating that it is full of water.
Timer mode
In standby mode, you can press the timer button to set time to turn on the air conditioner using the UP and
DOWN buttons (0~24h). The timer indicator will light up.
In the ON mode you can press the timer button to set time to turn off the air conditioner using the UP and
DOWN buttons (0~24h). The timer indicator will light up.
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18.2.2016 10:13:04