Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
NB144S User Manual
Copyright ©2012
Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Disabled: After the connection is established, the network will receive the data buffered by the
serial port .
5.4 Modbus gateway
5.4.1 Simple Protocol Conversion
Convert Modbus RTU data to Modbus TCP data, or convert Modbus TCP data to Modbus RTU data, and
realize the mutual conversion between Ethernet Modbus data and serial port Modbus data.
Simple protocol conversion can work in any mode ( TCP client, TCP server, UDP client, UDP server, MQTT
client). This gateway mode does not support multi-host operation. If you need multiple hosts, please use "storage
gateway" and "multi-host mode".
Simple protocol conversion configuration:
Modbus Poll and Modbus Slave software debugging:
Software connection settings: