Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
ECAN-W01S User
©2012–2022, Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology
4. Product Function Introduction
4.1. WiFi function
4.1.1. AP mode
Access Point is referred to as AP mode for short. It is similar to a router, allowing wireless
devices to connect and establishing TCP/IP based server, client, and UDP communications. In this
mode, four stations can be connected, and each TCP server supports up to four TCP sockets. By
default, the device is in AP mode. The SSID is ECAN-W01S-XX-XX-XX-XX (followed by the device MAC
address). The default secret key is 12345678.
4.1.2. STA mode
Station mode is called STA for short. The device in this role does not provide connection,
but can only connect to Access Points or routers. The device in the Station role supports TCP
server, TCP client, and UDP; Under the TCP server, each channel supports a maximum of four sockets.
When the device switches from other working roles to STA mode, the device can enable DHCP to obtain
IP addresses, and automatically configure the gateway, subnet mask, and DNS domain name server.
It can also set a static IP address for networking.
4.2. Basic function
→ Ethernet part
4.2.1. SOCKET Function
ECAN-W01S can establish two sockets, namely Socket A1 and Socket B1. Both of them support
TCP Client, TCP Server, UDP Client and UDP Server.
Two sockets run simultaneously. It can be connected to different networks at the same time
for data transmission.
When the device SOCKET is a TCP Server, each SOCKET can access up to four links at the same
time, and two SOCKET can have up to eight links.
4.2.2. TCP Client Function
(1) TCP Client provides client connection for TCP network service. Initiate a connection
request to the server and establish a connection to realize the interaction between CAN data and
server data. According to the relevant provisions of the TCP protocol, the TCP client has the
difference between connection and disconnection to ensure reliable data exchange. Usually used
for data interaction between devices and servers, it is the most commonly used networking