Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co,;Ltd
E32-170T30D user manual
Copyright ©2012–2019
Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
If the module switches from other modes to stand-by mode, it will wo rk in stand-by mode only after all the
remained data process completed. The feature can be used to save power consumption . For examp le, when the
transmitter wo rks in mode 0, after the external MCU transmits data “12345”, it can switch to sleep mode
immed iately without waiting the rising edge of the AUX pin, also the user’s main MCU will go dormancy
immed iately. Then the module will transmit all the data through wireless transmission & go dormancy 1ms later
automatically, which reduces MCU working time & save power.
Likewise, this feature can be used in any mode-switch. The module will start to work in new mode within 1ms after
completing present mode task, which enables the user to omit the procedure of AUX inquiry and switch mode
swiftly. For examp le, when switching fro m transmitting mode to receiving mode, the user MCU can go dormancy
before mode-switch, using external interrupt function to get AUX change so that the mode-switch can be realized.
This operation is very flexib le and efficient. It is totally designed on the basis of the user MCU ’s convenience, at the
same time the work load and power consumption of the whole sys tem have been reduced and the efficiency of
whole system is largely improved.
Normal mode (mode 0)
When M1 = 0 & M0 = 0, module works in mode 0
The module can receive the user data via serial port, and transmit wireless data package of 58 bytes. When the data
inputted by user is up to 58 byte, the module will start wireless transmission. During which the user can input data
continuously for transmission.
When the required transmission bytes are less than 58 bytes, the module will wait 3-byte time and treat it as data
termination unless continuous data inputted by user. Then the module will transmit all the data through wireless
When the module receives the first data packet from user, the AUX outputs low level.
After all the data are transmitted into RF chip and transmission start , AUX outputs high level.
At this time, it means that the last wireless data package transmission is started, which enables the user to input
another 512 bytes continuously. The data package transmitted from the module working in mode 0 can only be
received by the module working in mode 0 or 1.
The wireless receiving function of the module is on, the data packet transmitted from the module working in mode 0
& mode 1 can be received.
After the data packet is received, the AUX outputs low level, 5ms later the module starts to transmit wireless data
through serial port TXD pin.
After all the wireless data have been transmitted via serial port, the AUX outputs high level.