. We have entered the AT command mode by step
, and we will start to configure the socket protocol.
a. In the Send text box, enter the command "AT+SOCK=UDP,SERVER,,8887,8889" (please add a newline
character, that is, after entering the command "AT+SOCK=UDP,SERVER,,8887,8889" command followed
by the Enter key), click Send to start sending commands.
b. If the serial port returns "Socket update OK" message, it indicates that the command has set the protocol parameters
successfully, otherwise, please operate the above steps again.
. After setting the parameters, please reset or power down and reboot to take effect; if there are other parameters not
set, please reset or power down and reboot after setting other parameters. Because we only configure the socket protocol
here, so we reset or power down and restart directly.
(GPIO10 pulled low) light will be lit immediately, indicating that UDP protocol is enabled.