EBARA Submersible Sewage Pumps
Instruction Manual
Pumps Americas Corporation
(803) 327-5005 • (803) 327-5097
rev. 04/19
Maintenance and Service
1. Daily inspections:
(1) Check current and ammeter fluctuation daily. If ammeter fluctuation is great, even though within the limits of pump
rating, foreign matter may be clogging the pump. If the quantity of liquid discharged falls suddenly, foreign matter may
be blocking the suction inlet.
2. Regular inspections:
(1) Monthly inspections
Measure the insulation resistance. The value should be more than 1 mega ohm. If resistance starts to fall rapidly even
with an initial indication of over 1 mega ohm, this may be an indication of trouble and repair work is required.
(2) Every 6 months
Check the mechanical seal every six months. If you notice water
mixed with the oil or cloudy texture of the oil, these may be
indications of a defective mechanical seal requiring replacement.
The service life of the mechanical seal can be prolonged by
replacing the oil in the mechanical seal chamber once a year.
When replacing the oil, lay the pump on its side, with filler plug
on top as shown in Fig. 4.
For over 7
HP motors, inject turbine oil No. 32 (ISO VG-32) until it overflows. Be certain to dispose of oil residue properly.
Oil Capacities for DDLF/DDLFMU pumps
(3) Preventive maintenance yearly
Conduct an overhaul of the pump annually. These intervals will reduce the possibility of future trouble.
3. Parts that will need to be replaced:
Replace the appropriate part when the following conditions are apparent.
Above replacement schedule is based on normal operating conditions.
Fig. 4
HP Oil
15 75 ozs
20 120 ozs
25 115 ozs
30 120 ozs
220 ozs
50 240 ozs
60 240 ozs
Replaceable Part Mechanical Seal Oil Filter Plug Gasket Lubricating oil O-ring
Whenever oil in Whenever oil is Whenever clouded Whenever pump
Replacement guide mechanical seal replaced or or dirty is overhauled
chamber is clouded inspected
Frequency Annually Annually Annually Annually