DX8 –
The DX8-PC software application provides real-time
control and configuration editing for the DX8 using a
laptop or other PC-compatible computer.
In addition to input and output level control and
output EQ gain control, which is available on the
front panel, the DX8-PC application provides control
over each individual channel EQ gain and corner
frequency, Bus A and Bus B output EQ gain and
corner frequency, output graphic EQ gain, output
parametric EQ gain, frequency, and bandwidth,
output compressor controls, Automix controls,
preset save and recall, panel lock code, logic input
and output assignments, force-on and force-off
levels and priority, mute group assign, and control
group assign.
Changes made in the PC software are
immediately executed in the DX8. Also, changes
made by controls on or connected to the DX8 are
immediately displayed in the PC software.
The graphical user interface is divided into four
1. Menu Bar
2. Indicators and Presets
3. Buttons
4. Input/Output
To adjust a fader, click on the fader knob
to select it. Ctrl+click to set the fader to unity. If you
click above or below the knob, it will jump to the
point where you clicked. This is useful to move the
fader quickly to where you want it to be. However,
be careful not to inadvertently click above a fader
knob. A sudden jump in volume will occur.
The following menus are available in the Menu bar
at the top of the screen:
Quit (Ctrl+Q)
Select this to close the DX8-PC application. The
DX8 will continue to operate with the current settings.