Installation instructions
WaveLinx Wireless Area Controller (WAC)
This installation instruction is for the Wireless Area Controller (WAC-POE) which enables user control of the WaveLinx system
and devices via local control or through the WaveLinx Mobile application.
The purpose of this document is to provide sufficient detailed instructions for installation and basic troubleshooting.
This document covers installation of the following products.
WAC-POE Wireless Area Controller, POE powered
Wireless Area Controller, 120V (includes PoE injector for power)
WaveLinx System Architecture
Figure 1. Stand Alone WAC installation
Figure 1. Multiple WAC installation
The Wireless Area Controller (WAC) is the main component of the Eaton WaveLinx Wireless Connected Lighting system.
WaveLinx eliminates the cost and complexity of typical wireless control system commissioning while providing a wired,
flexible, and reconfigurable wireless topology for on the fly space adjustments. The WaveLinx system meets modern code
and utility requirements, delivers energy and cost savings, while enabling buildings to become smart buildings.
The WAC coordinates between the WaveLinx Mobile App and various WaveLinx devices to create communications
and a building ecosystem that provides out of the box functionality and leverages our patent pending automatic code
commissioning features. Using standards-based wireless mesh compliant topology the WAC communicates to various WCL
standards-based devices to provide area, lighting zone configuration, monitoring, and control.
The WAC provides centralized coordination of multiple areas for partial ON/partial OFF scheduling, demand response, lighting,
occupancy and daylight settings and scene control. A single WAC can be connected to the building LAN to coordinate up to
16 areas, or multiple WAC’s can exist on a building LAN to scale the system to hundreds of areas all accessible for setup,
configuration and control through the WaveLinx Mobile App.