Product Overview
The Eaton VORAD system is a sophisticated, computerized device that uses
forward-looking radar and optional side-looking radar to constantly monitor
vehicles ahead and in the blind spot area, respectively.
Always Alert
The radar signals determine the distance and relative speed between the vehi-
cle and objects in front. This information is used to warn the driver of poten-
tially dangerous situations through visual and audible alerts. The system can
perform in adverse conditions, but objects must be within the field of view of
the radar beam and must provide a surface that can reflect the radar beam
back for detection.
The optional Side Sensor is a radar transmitter and receiver mounted on the
side of the vehicle to detect objects from one (1) to twelve (12) feet from the
side of the vehicle. The Side Sensor can detect vehicles or objects unseen by
the driver, moving or stationary, provided the vehicle or object is in the radar
coverage area adjacent to the vehicle.
The VORAD system also has the ability to operate in a mode called “Smart-
Cruise”. SmartCruise is an optional feature offered as a convenience to the
driver in conjunction with the standard vehicle cruise control. The Smart-
Cruise feature automatically maintains a preset following distance to traffic
SmartCruise cannot replace a driver and will not be able to ensure safe fol-
lowing distances under all road conditions. The driver must stay alert at all
times and use the vehicle brakes when required to avoid an accident.