CABLE TEST (when needed)
Lamps stay dim if phases are compliant.
Lamp lights up if phases are not compliant.
(Test device is not delivered with switchgears.)
You can use simple AVO meter as well/
Voltage indicator lamps must light when MV cables
are energized.
Serial Light
Open LBS.
Close earthing switch.
Open switchgear front door. Place cable test
device. Reopen earthing switch.
Perform required measurements.
Outgoing Switchgears
In order to check cable faults.
Open LBS.
De-energize the switchgear from the previous center and
earth the cables.
Close earthing switch of the switchgear.
Open switchgear front door.
Place cable test device.
After test close the door.
Reopen earthing switch.
Perform required measurements.
Incoming Switchgears
In order to check cable faults.
Voltage Indicator
Operation Instructions
Manual use and front view
Use the lever as shown in order to operate
the earthing switch, and charging the spring.
Ulusoy HMH24-01 Incoming-Outgoing Switchgear with LBS User Manual
August 2020