Instruction manual—single-phase power conditioners
IM01002005E September 2015 Eaton.com
1.6: Electrical specifications
Specifications are for Power-Sure T800R/T800P/T800F
models . Variable Range Regulation (VRR): Input voltage
can fluctuate –45 to 200%
(for a short time) with
the output regulating at usable tolerances . The following
are typical regulation specifications with continuous input
voltage variations:
Power output
Single-phase, 100% duty kVA/kW, for linear and
non-linear loads .
Line voltage regulation
@ 100% load: ±2% V-out for +10% to -20% V-in
@ 75% load: ±3% V-out for +10% to -35% V-in
@ 50% load: ±3% V-out for +10% to -40% V-in
@ 25% load: ±3% V-out for +10% to -45% V-in
Immunity to distortion
Input distortion as high as 40% VTHD laden with
transient noise will produce a maximum harmonic
content of 5% VTHD nominal on the sinusoidal
transient-free output at 50% load or higher
Load regulation
Output voltage remains ±3% with a load change
of 0–100%
K-factor rating is 30; handles high harmonic content loads
without overheating
Power factor correction
Remains within 0 .95 approaching unity with load power
factor as poor as 0 .6 . Meets FAA-G-201e power factor
Harmonic attenuation
–23 dB for load-reflected harmonics
Galvanic isolation
NEC 250 .5d, .001pf
Surge protection
Complies with UL 1449 rating 330 V,
ANSI/IEEE C62 .41 Cat . B3
Short-circuit protection
The Power-Sure T800R/T800P/T800F can not be damaged
by electrical short in the load
Voltage recovery
Output voltage returns to 95% of nominal voltage within
two cycles and 100% within three cycles
Either 50 or 60 Hz specifically . A 60 Hz unit will not
operate at 50 Hz and vice versa
Transverse Mode Noise (TMN) attenuation
120 dB
Common mode noise attenuation:
140 dB
Ride-through capability
The output of the Power-Sure T800R/T800P/T800F will
maintain a usable level with an input loss of up to one
cycle (16 .7 ms) depending on the load
200,000 hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
Audible noise
Power-Sure T800R: 45–60 dB @ one meter (depending on
size), Power-Sure T800P and T800F: 52–56 dB @ one meter,
A scale
Typical full load efficiency is 90–92% for standard input
and output voltage levels
Operating temperature
Ambient range –20 to +40 ºC .
Power-Sure T800R models—
section 1.7
Power-Sure T800P/T800F models—
section 1.7
+200% applies to T800P/T800F models only .