Effective August 2010
08/10 AWA1230-2579
IZM20/IZM32 Shutters
and IZM-SH323/IZM-SH324
(1) Only qualified electrical persOnnel shOuld
be permitted tO wOrk On the equipment.
(2) always de-energize primary and secOndary
circuits if a circuit breaker cannOt be
remOved tO a safe wOrk lOcatiOn.
(3) drawOut circuit breakers shOuld be
remOved frOm their cOmpartments.
(4) all circuit breakers shOuld be switched
tO the Off pOsitiOn and mechanism springs
failure tO fOllOw these steps fOr all
prOcedures described in this instructiOn
leaflet cOuld result in death, bOdily injury,
Or prOperty damage.
the instructiOns cOntained in this awa and On
prOduct labels have tO be fOllOwed. Observe
the five safety rules:
– discOnnecting
– ensure that devices cannOt be
accidentally restarted
– verify isOlatiOn frOm the supply
– earthing and shOrt-circuiting
– cOvering Or prOviding barriers tO
adjacent live parts
discOnnect the equipment frOm the supply.
use Only authOrized spare parts in the repair
Of the equipment. the specified maintenance
intervals as well as the instructiOns fOr
repair and exchange must be strictly adhered
tO prevent injury tO persOnnel and damage
tO the switchbOard.
Section 1: General information
Cassette safety shutters are optional automatically
operated insulating type safety shutters for use
with a drawout cassette. When the drawout circuit
breaker is levered (racked) from the CONNECT
position, the shutters automatically close to cover
the fixed primary contacts. When the circuit
breaker is levered (racked) into the cassette, the
shutters automatically open, permitting primary
connections to be made.
Required tools
10 mm socket and drive (M6 hex nut)
10 mm wrench (M6 x 30 screw)
External retaining-ring tool (suggested for
M12 E-clip)
Small Phillips head screwdriver
(M4 x 10 screw)
Slotted screwdriver (link mounting screw)
Small crescent wrench for M4 nut
Figure 1. External Retaining-Ring Tools