Information Sheets 70C1486H01
Maintenance Mode Wiring
Digitrip 1150 with ARMs
The Digitrip 1150 (Cat #11ARMxxx) can locally be placed in Maintenance Mode via front panel programming
of the Trip Unit. The function can also be armed via a remote switch as shown. In addition, the function can
be activated via communications. The display will indicate “Maintenance Mode In Use” when in this special
The recommended selector switch for this low voltage application is Cutler Hammer part number
# 10250T1333-2E which includes a contact block rated for Logic Level and Corrosive Use.
The maximum length of this wiring to the remote ARM switch (or alternate relay contact) is three meters
(9.78 feet). Use #20 AWG wire or larger.
Control voltage is 120 VAC or 230 VAC or 24-48 VDC or 125 VDC as ordered. Check Magnum circuit breaker
front cover for Trip Unit Power requirements.
A remote Stack Light, Annunciator Panel or other remote indication device can be connected to remotely verify
that the Digitrip is in Maintenance Mode.
RelayA contact changes state when Digitrip is in Maintenance Mode. This action requires pre-assigning RelayA
to Maintenance Mode function. RelayC contacts (A9, A10) are also available to be programmed to provide an
indication of a trip in Maintenance Mode.
The Digitrip 1150 can also be placed remotely in its Maintenance Mode via a General Purpose Relay
(ice cube type with Logic Level contacts) activated by a remote control switch. A recommended type is
IDEC Relay Ry22. Choose voltage as desired.
Contact is rated 1A @ 120 VAC or 0.5A @ 230 VAC or 1A @ 24-48
VDC or 0.35A @ 125 VDC.